Score for bragging rights and the ultimate win in the Super MarioKart8 World Championships.

The intent of this site was to get family members to interact and compete on the Wii.

The Beginnings: Scores were entered into a spreadsheet, and at the end, a certificate and a homemade trophy was passed on, like the Stanley Cup. It quickly became clear that a spreadsheet was not robust enough for our needs, plus a new spreadsheet needed to be created to keep record of wins.

Evolution, Pt 1: The spreadsheet was exported to an HTML page and I modified that. With all of the added coding that Microsoft programs add, when creating webpages, it became clear that the generated pages were too heavy with mindless code. The coding that I added made it possible to record games, keep a record of wins and resume previously started games where you left off.

Evolution, Pt 2: This iteration was built from the ground up, none of the previous coding exists. Now, users from all over the world can use this site. All previous features are included the new version, plus some nice-to-haves. Games are recorded and saved with IP Address restrictions: meaning that one network cannot access another network's scores and data. E.g.: A user with an external IP Address of cannot access's data. 2 or more devices from the same network can access any of the data for that network. Note: My family's games and names should be kept separate from others, and vice versa.

If a wide area of people on different networks want to compete, all users would have to use the same VPN source to connect to the site.

WC Startup: First, you'll need 4 or more players (Minimum of 4, Maximum of 20, even number of players). Enter each individuals name and select a characters for each individual. Hit Submit and your on your way.

Resume A World Championship: Select a game listed in the dropdown box; a count of players and a list of player names will be displayed. Hit Submit and you're back to the running.

If you started a game and the game is not listed, your IP Address has changed or you are not on the same network. You can contact the webmaster of Cockerhamonline.com, with your previous IP Address, and that data will be cleared. Or, try getting back on the network from which the game was started.

If you have completedgames and they're not listed, your IP Address has changed or you are not on the same network. You can contact the webmaster of Cockerhamonline.com, with your previous IP Address, and that data will be cleared. Or, try getting back on the network from which the game was started.