The maze is randomly generated, with the start point (your avater) and the gold (the prize) randomly placed. Distance is measured in feet, and the compass shows your relation to the gold.
Distance = √((x
Angle = int(atan2((y
Everything is ramdomly placed (Your initial location, Maze Hyperspaces, your Hyperspaces, and the location of the Gold):
X = int(1015 x rand()) and Y = int(1015 x rand())
After each win, the size of the maze increases. The number of onboard Hyperspaces may increase also.
To navigate the maze by:
Keyboard, via the arrow keys: Up Arrow moves forward, Down Arrow moves backward, Left Arrow turns left, Right Arrow turns right.
Mouse: Left-Clicking the avatar turns left, Right-Clicking turns right, The scroll wheel of the mouse controls forward and backward movement.
Hyperspace: Clicking the HYPERSPACE button, Pressing the letter "H" on the keyboard, or Double-Clicking the avatar will relocate you to a random spot in the maze. It may get you closer to the gold. Also, it could take you farther from it. You only get 3, use them wisely.
Winners are recorded by respective ip addresses. No names or actual locations will be displayed. If there are multiple computers behind a single router, all users behind that router will have access to the same maze and avatar.
Preserve your hyperspaces; you may find yourself in a brick-sealed tomb. Hitting walls with great speed may result in critical mass and you will hyperspace (So, control the scroll and mind the keypresses).
Winners receive an additonal 3 hyperspaces. If you run out of hyperspaces, you will receive 3 new ones, after the maze has been solved.
There are 30 scattered in the maze. If you stop on one, you'll be relocated to a random spot in the maze and none of your existing hyperspaces will be affected.
| Walls |
| The grassy area that lies outside the maze. The trees talk shmack. |
/> | On board hyperspaces |
| Asphalt (You are over 23 feet away from the gold) |
| Solid rock (You are at least 23 feet away from the gold) |
| Rocky plain (You are at least 18 feet away from the gold) |
| Pebbles (You are at least 13 feet away from the gold) |
| Sand (You are within 8 feet away from the gold) |